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Fundacao Centro de Hemoterapia e Hematologia do Para

Para (BRA). Health
Normalized Impact


Output14= 0%
Excellence with Leadership0= 0%
Normalized Impact0.33= 0%
Normalized Impact Leadership0.16= 0%
Scientific Talent Pool29= 0%
Scientific Leadership3= 0%
International Collaboration2= 0%
High Quality Publications6= 0%
Excellence0= 0%
Open Access64.29= 0%
Not Own Journals14= 0%
Own Journals0= 0%

Collaboration network

Both the size of the circles and the width of the lines reflect the number of collaborative documents. The colour shows the number of citations per document.


Innovative Knowledge0= 0%
Technological Impact0= 0%
Patents0= 0%


plumx6= 0%
mendeley10= 0%